Monday, January 31, 2011

More Alexi Murdoch.

I wrote about Alexi Murdoch before, but I recently found (and was then given) one of his unreleased songs.  And I love it.  It is exceptionally beautiful, which is saying a lot for him.  It's just exquisitely touching and haunting.  And it's perfect for yoga class (again!).

Prairie Underground.

I live in this hoodie (the short shawl hoodie).  They no longer make the color I have, but you can see it here.

And this is my favorite yoga-teaching cover-up (or warm-up piece.)  It's the Bandanna Dress in Bruise.
So well-made, all organic materials, and domestically produced (in Seattle).  Their pieces are so flattering and feminine, yet functional (read: I don't have to worry about ruining them, or going about my day).  And the colors!  Oh, yes.  They are deliciously rich and vibrant.  Everything is so beautiful.  Oooh-wee!  All hail Prairie Underground.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I Feel Pretty.

I don't use much in terms of "beauty" products.  But this is really nice.  On the off chance I do want to feel glamorous.
Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick
It makes me feel like I'm at the beach, about to go out for an evening of salsa dancing and caipirinhas.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Blonde Redhead.

Lovely, lovely.  Released late last year, and it's just really gorgeous.  I just let it play round and round.  Perfect bath music.

And my all-time favorite.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dark Light by Lovers.

Mmmm.  More music!  I've been playing this record by Lovers a lot lately.  It's called Dark Light, was released in October, and sounds kind of like Tegan and Sara.  Or Ladytron.  Or Azure Ray.  None of whom really sound like each other.  But still.  It's quite good and moody with nice beats.  I very much recommend.  I think Boxer is my favorite track right now.  Head boppin', yet heartbreaking.
Also, look how cute they are!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Everyone in San Francisco worth her salt knows and loves Tartine.  It's one of my Top 10 You-Have-To-Go-When-In-San-Francisco spots.  It's regarded as one of the best bakeries in the entire city-- with amazing French pastries and bread.  It isn't a stuffy kind of place-- more rich, sumptuous, and rustic, just like the pastries.  Dan and I had a late breakfast there yesterday.  It's fabulous luck to live just a few blocks away.

We split the morning bun-- my very favorite!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Silent Spring.

There are a handful of moments in my life where I can look back and say, “There.  That’s where it changed.”  They don’t come along often, and at the time we are rarely able to recognize them.  One such moment was picking up Silent Spring when I was in sixth grade.  We had to write a paper about a figure in twentieth century American history.  I chose Rachel Carson, and by the end of sixth grade, I'd read each Silent Spring, and all four of the Sea books from cover to cover.

Silent Spring captured my imagination and introduced me to an entire new world.  At the time, I felt a heaviness, that, even today, I have not been able to shake.  The book was published decades ago, but Rachel Carson’s influence on modern environmentalism is still felt, her writings still deeply relevant, and her warnings eerily prescient.

Silent Spring
If you haven’t read it, for whatever reason, I strongly urge you to find a copy (or come over to my house, and borrow one of my editions) and read at least the first chapter, which is heart-breaking and exquisite.  Carson was an extraordinary woman with a lovely way of infusing science with deep emotion and passion.  She remains a hero of mine and the person with whom I credit my deep commitment to environmentalism.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ozetta Cowls.

  One of my favorite Etsy finds.  I have the Tok Thermal in black.  Plus, I am planning to order the Newbern Cowl in glacier.  And another in eggplant. They're so snuggly and warm!  If it's cold and windy where you live, I highly suggest one of these.
My Tok Thermal, pictured, is my new winter essential.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Air Plants.

I've been on a bit of a decorating kick lately.  I don't know whether it's the spring-like weather or the fact that I've lived in my place for six months and haven't decorated it a lick until now.  But I've been doing a whole mess of (little) things to make it more beautiful and feel more like home.  One of the things I've wanted in my new place is some greenery.  But something simple, also, since I tend to kill plants pretty easily.  Ouila!  Air plants!

All they need is a daily misting, so they're really simple!  From Paxton Gate, in San Francisco.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Dan gave me a print of this photograph for my birthday last year, and I, being the lazy bum I am, just got around to framing it.  It's so cute, and I love looking at it first thing when I get out of bed.  How can this not make you cheerful?
It's by Sharon Montrose, and I love her whole series of animal prints.
(That's just the image, I haven't gotten around to taking pictures of all my artwork hung on the wall yet.)

Saturday, January 22, 2011


So bourgie.  But just so damn useful.  Slim, sleek, well-designed, practical for traveling.  Dan got me hooked on these, and now just I can't help myself.  I got these for upcoming journeys to keep myself organized.  I usually also keep a plain notebook to write down the sequence of each day while traveling, but I think these will also prove useful (especially when I want to go back and refer to specific places).  I always keep large folders in my pack when I travel, but the memo pockets will serve nicely for storing my paper ephemera during the day, as I gather it.
Info Book Pocket.

Memo Pockets.

Friday, January 21, 2011

You're Perfect.

If you're having a rough day, I invite you to watch.  It brought me to tears.  This person does something beautiful and selfless for so many.  It is so beautiful and earnest and amazing.  The end of the video beautifully sums up much of what's behind my personal spiritual beliefs and many of my life's practices.

And everything answered.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Romantic Street Art.

As someone with a fundamental problem with authority, and as a hopeful romantic, these signs make me exquisitely happy.  I love the idea that someone has so much love that they have to paint it all across public spaces.  It is an important step towards autonomy and toward reclaiming our world, our public spaces and our lives in the name of love.  What's better than that?  Nothing, that's what.

From the internet.
From in front of my house!  We woke up one morning, and it was right there, right below our front gate.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What I'm Reading.

Winter's Bone.  
I heard so many amazing things about this book, so I picked up a copy at Modern Times Bookstore (my favorite bookstore in all of San Francisco), and am loving it so far.  I adore the main character (which is a big draw for me) and the language, sense of place and story flow really nicely.  I'm so glad I finally got into it.  I'm also excited to see the movie once I finish the book.

Monday, January 17, 2011


It's very odd that I live in a place with so much rain and general precipitation and, until recently, didn't own a raincoat.  What?!  The other day, I was cleaning out my place and discovered a Patagonia gift card with credit still left.  So I picked up this little baby:

It packs down so nicely!  See?
Seems like it'll be perfect for travel, since it's lightweight and stows away easily, which is always a major plus.  I plan to bring it camping this spring!  (And maybe to rainier climates this summer, hint hint!)  Of course, the day after it arrived, it rained in San Francisco, so I was ultra-happy with my purchase.  It works great, and the color makes me so happy, even when the weather is really crappy.

Glen Canyon Park.

I had never really explored the neighborhood of Glen Park in San Francisco.  So my sweetie and I decided to have a mini-date to go on a mini-hike through Glen Park Canyon.  After almost ten (10!) years of living here, it was high time that A. I explored someplace new, and B. that I made it to this little canyon, full of people and dogs.  It's set back, close to public transit (BART) in a cute neighborhood filled with beautiful homes, adorable shops, and loads of dogs.  Walking, new things, each other and some cute pups: perfect combination for a little date.
Afterward, we strolled through the neighborhood and stopped in a cute cheese shop to pick up some necessities (Gruyere swiss and Nutella for crepes tomorrow morning).  We even have plans to go back for a dinner date sometime.  Great discovery!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


My sweetie and I went to see Somewhere yesterday.  We both adored it.  And I loved Stephen Dorff.  (Sophia Coppola really knows how to pick her muses, and how to put together a knock-out cast.)  It's a beautiful film; really captures the feel of Los Angeles-- in a biting and clever (but not mean) sort of way.  Heartwarming, lovely look to it, and fabulous script.  You find yourself rooting for the least-likely type of hero.  And assuming that everything works out okay.  I highly recommend.

 Sophia Coppola's best since Lost in Translation.   For me, it hit all the same emotional notes.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Judy Bonds.

I never met her, but she was a huge inspiration to me, and I am saddened by her passing.  She will be so incredibly missed.  And we must fight harder in her absence.  Rest in Strength, Judy.

Friday, January 14, 2011

20 x 200

I'm on a bit of a decorating kick right now-- not sure why.  Probably something to do with the new year.  So, due to my need for art and nesting, I just got my first print from 20x200.  Prospect Park in the snow.  It's so pretty, right?  And really, only 20 bucks!  I put it in a frame I already had, so with shipping it was less than $25.  Awesome!  I can't wait to hang it on our bedroom wall.
The Sledding Hill By Joseph O. Holmes.
This has me really excited for my trip to New York in April.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Loving my new Lemlem scarf.  Got it on sale, after waiting very patiently.  (Their everyday prices are a big rich for my blood.)  I have had designs on one of these for some time as a good all-purpose travel scarf/wrap/blanket/towel for bus and train rides, the beach, etc.  Still hanging onto my $5 sarong I got at a head shop in Delaware 10 years ago, but this will add a bit of class to my typical low-bagger travel look.  Now I just have to book my plane tickets!
From the website.
On me.  Really, it's even more beautiful in person, and I couldn't be happier!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kiki Smith.

One of my favorite living and working artists today, and a remarkable woman.  I adore her and her whimsy and the way she weaves in themes of women artists' lives.  I was lucky enough to see her show at the Brooklyn Museum in person last year.
Pretty phenomenal, no?
a piece from Kiki Smith' Sojourn
Kiki Smith's Fawn

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros.

A somewhat oldie at this point, but I am having a crazy love affair with them. 

It makes me want to skip down the street jubilantly and unabashedly.

"Home is wherever I'm with you."  Oh, yes.

Monday, January 10, 2011

What I'm Reading: Graphic Novel Edition.

I usually don't like anything that has a gross-out factor above that of a Pixar movie.  I'm very particular about the kind of media I consume.  But I am really digging this series.  It's clever, suspenseful, engaging and really well-drawn.  And, yes.  Really pretty gross.  
When I asked my comic book guy whether it lived up to the (substantial) hype it received, he gave an enthusiastic yes.  
And he was so very right.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Phone.

Big news in my life!  New phone!  It's a Droid 2, and I couldn't be happier about the decision to take the Android plunge.  My blackberry was downright awful, and am over-the-moon for my new phone.  It's so pretty!  And has all these fun apps!  And a touchscreen!  I love her.  More than I should love any piece of technology (or want to for that matter).  I took all my Joshua Tree photos with the cool Polandroid app.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mary Oliver.

Is outstanding.  If you don't know her poetry, please do yourself a favor, and go out and buy (any) one of her volumes.  Or come over to my house and borrow some.  I received American Primitive for Christmas, but I probably own another half dozen collections or so.

...I am touching a few leaves. 
I am noticing the way the yellow butterflies
move together, in a twinkling cloud, over the field.
And I am thinking: maybe just looking and listening
is the real work.
Maybe the world, without us, is the real poem...
– Mary Oliver

And I say to my heart: rave on.
– Mary Oliver

Le sigh.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Joshua Tree.

My sweetie and I went to Joshua Tree National Park for New Year's camping with a passel of friends.  It was very beautiful and very cold.  Campfires, hiking, outdoor cooking, wandering around in the desert.  And hanging out in the hot tubs in Desert Hot Springs.  Fun!
Joshua Tree, Self-Portrait

Rocks, My Handsome Man

Desert/ sky/ the entirety of creation (or what feels like it.)

Hiking in a Joshua Tree desert; Me at camp with my friend, Scott

More beauty.  Really, the landscape is just unique.

Mumford and Sons.

Music discovery from this past fall.  I adore them.

So twangy, and boot-stompin', with beautiful lyrics that make me want to weep my guts out.  I can't stop listening to them.  Bluegrass that's perfectly suited for yoga practice?  Love.